Now I have been thinking about this for a long time so I'm going to git strat into it. If I were rich I would open up Malabu Grand Pre Calufornu because it was my favrite place to go because I loved to race go karts, play miny golf, play bumper bouts, and play the games they had before it closed down. After Malabu I think I would open up my favrite restorant in half moon bay, Gin Wan and its mongolean BBQ because it was my favoret place to go for my birth day dinner. Now it's the time you all knew was coming, the stuff I'd do with my family which is go on the Disney fantesy for two weeks, then we will go to Universe Studeose Orlando for 5 days, after that we will go to Disney land for 12 days, then do some home enprovements, and git a lot of bord games to play with my family. Then after all that I think, I would be content.
I'd git a Bat Man suet as well
it didn't fit so I didn't put it in
I'd open up my favorite BBQ place
Big Bubus BBQ
see resens I like it so much in